Aviation Meteorological Systems was established to implement innovative projects in the fields of meteorological flight support, environmental monitoring and meteorological support for air navigation.
AMS is certified according to international quality management system ISO 9001-2011
A highly professional team of scientists (17 Doctors and 53 Ph.D of Technical Sciences, including 11 professors), engineers and specialists in the fields of innovative developments, building software, environmental monitoring equipment and meteorological flight support.
The main strategic directions in the fields of ground aids for air navigation, meteorological flight support and environmental monitoring have been developed and defined in the technological development. Bringing air traffic control and flight safety to a new level is our main objective.
Experience and knowledge of the company’s employees in different fields allow developing and implementing innovative integrated solutions. We are a full-fledged member of the international organization HMEI.
Our specialists work as full-fledged members in the working and task groups: ICAO’s Wake Turbulence Study Group, RTCA Special Committee 206 (SC-206), EUROCAE.
First ever System of Stationary Meteorological Radar posts to be operated by the Russian Federal Road Agency* include AMS’s meteorological radar stations known as Monocle
The modern system of meteorological observation, consisting of four integrated weather stations, was installed on the Amur-Yakutsk Highway which connects Yakutsk with the Trans-Siberian Railway corridor. The automated System of Stationary Meteorological Radar Posts allows receiving prior information about weather activities within a 150-km radius, including fields of cloudiness, precipitation intensity, changes in pressure and wind direction. All information from the created posts goes to the operations control center, where the necessary decision is promptly taken. For example, the decision may be related to increasing equipment or carrying out preventive treatment of the road surface with anti-icing materials. This system is operated for the first time in the Russian road industry.
Aviation Meteorological Systems provides all site prep and civil works for the installation of the meteorological radar stations known as Monocle. Monocle ensures collection, processing and rapid provision of radar weather information to meteorological services and state supervision users.
The AMS Monocle combines years of researches and developments carried out by AMS’ highly professional team which constantly works on improving meteorological equipment and algorithms for processing and interpreting data.
Aviation Meteorological Systems (AMS) was established to implement innovative projects in the fields of meteorological flight support, environmental monitoring and air navigation. AMS designs, manufactures and distributes high quality equipment for monitoring meteorological conditions and has a special expertise in remote solutions. We are proud of our team consisting of high level recognized experts in the sphere of aircraft engineering, software development, satellite navigation and telecommunication technologies, surveillance and environmental monitoring, flight safety systems and other areas related to aero navigation sphere as well as meteorological support of aviation. Taking air traffic control and flight safety to the next level is our main objective!
Aviation Meteorological Systems
Address: 15, 12, Bolshaya Novodmitrovskaya st.,
Moscow, 127015 Russian Federation
Phone/fax: +7 495 9806516
E-mail: info@jsc-ams.com